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Field Value Replacer (Data Center / Server)


Quick Text Field updates with just a few clicks.

Field Value Replacer App allows you to update text field values quickly at once. The App takes a current value and replaces it with a new one.

Step by Step

1. Use the JQL Query search to find your project. The number of results will be displayed below the input field.

2. Select the desired Text Field in the menu.
Note that the dropdown list only single-line and multi-line custom text fields
3. Now enter the value that is to be replaced into the Search Term input. The found matched will be displayed again below.
The search is case-sensitive. Make sure to have matching search results displayed before clicking on the preview button.
4. Once you have matching search results, you can enter the new value, which will take the place of the current one. If you want to delete a certain value from the Text Field, simply leave the Replace Term input empty.
5. On Preview, you will be shown a table to check your desired changes. Next to the old and new value, there is a link to every issue key that is about to be changed. Make sure everything appears as expected and confirm the replacement.
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